
Friday, January 1, 2016

Mission Viejo in Store Report

People, it was beautiful no huge lines and everyone got in. :)
Lea's meet outfit

The camera is so cute!!

Lea's earrings

Lea's exclusive outfit

Lea's Rain Forest Hike outfit is a lot cuter in person!!

Love Lea's Bahia outfit

Lea's pajamas and sloth

I love Lea's pajamas!!

Lea's swim set, beach accessories, and turtle!!

Love the baby turtle hatching out of the egg!! I hope you all enjoyed the in store report.


  1. I am visiting from LADL. Enjoyed your pictures. We have a mother/daughter blog too! Jen @ DollsBetweenUs

  2. I really enjoy when people post in store pictures of the AG store! And all of the outfits definitely look way cuter in person!

    1. Aww thank you, you are right though about the outfits looking cuter in person. ;)
